Chapter 6 - The Need for Nuclear

The Issue

Is Nuclear Energy Needed?

Support for, or opposition to, nuclear energy depends to a large extent on whether the individual believes that it is needed or that conservation and other energy forms, possibly more benign, render it unnecessary. Because now, and for the next few decades at least, nuclear energy is available in the form of electricity from large, centralized power plants, the need for electricity becomes an element of this issue. The issue is therefore discussed under the following headings:

Energy Demand

Energy Conservation

Electricity Demand

Electricity Supply Options

In addition to simply generating electricity, there is a proposal that nuclear energy produce heat, electricity and hydrogen for the extraction and refining of oil from Canada's oil ("tar") sands, thereby extending oil resources while reducing pollution. Elsewhere in the world there are proposals to exploit nuclear energy for the desalination of water.

Factual Summary

In a discussion of the need for nuclear energy, the following facts are generally agreed:

If nuclear energy is not absolutely necessary, the issue becomes: "Is it desirable?" To address this, we must assess the costs and benefits of nuclear energy and compare these with the costs and benefits of possible options. This will be done in subsequent chapters.


Technical Terms

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